What to Do if You Get Busted Selling Hemp Flower in Kentucky.

As Kentucky continues to navigate the complexities of hemp regulation, retailers of hemp products must stay informed about the legal landscape to avoid potentially serious legal consequences. It is crucial for sellers to understand that under KRS 218A.010, all hemp flower products are classified as marijuana for individuals who do not possess a hemp license issued by the state. This classification can lead to significant legal challenges, including criminal charges for trafficking marijuana, if non-compliant products are found in your store.

What to Do During a Law Enforcement Raid

1. Remain Compliant and Courteous: If law enforcement arrives to seize non-compliant hemp flower products, it is vital to remain calm, polite, and compliant. Cooperating with the officers can help to de-escalate the situation and prevent any misunderstandings.

2. Exercise Your Rights: While cooperation is important, it is also crucial to protect your legal rights. You should not make any statements or agree to any actions without legal representation. Politely but firmly state that you wish to speak with an attorney before answering any questions or consenting to any procedures.

3. Understanding the Legal Risks: Selling hemp flower products without a proper license can lead to charges of trafficking marijuana. This is because unlicensed handling or processing of hemp—including the sale of hemp flower—equates to handling illegal marijuana under current Kentucky statutes. This classification carries with it severe penalties similar to those for marijuana offenses.

How Our Firm Can Help

Our law firm has extensive experience in assisting Kentucky hemp retailers navigate these complex legal waters. We have successfully helped many clients who have faced raids and legal challenges by providing robust defense strategies tailored to the nuances of Kentucky’s hemp regulations. Should you find yourself in a situation where law enforcement is questioning the legality of your hemp products, it is imperative that you contact us immediately.

Immediate Steps to Take:

- Contact our firm at (859) 474-0001 as soon as any legal concerns arise or if law enforcement contacts you regarding your hemp products.

- Ensure that your business operations align with state regulations and that you maintain all necessary documentation and licenses. We can also help with this.

Understanding your legal obligations and rights is the first step in safeguarding your business against the risks associated with the sale of hemp flower products in Kentucky. Stay informed, stay compliant, and remember that professional legal support is your best defense against potential legal challenges.


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